I have never seen or experienced anything quite like what our country and our world is dealing with right now. I believe I found a way to do something in a safe and responsible way (following all current CDC and Government policies of social distancing as it is allowed) while doing something that is important, to me and I hope your family.
The #Frontstepsprojectsouthwindsor idea is to photograph you and your family on your home’s front porch while, we both abide by the current CDC approved guidelines for social distancing. I want to know what you are feeling, how you are coping and what are some of the positives you can share with your community. My goal is to share how important we are to each other during this crisis through a beautiful image of your family.
I will be photographing from a safe distance using a longer zoom lens creating an environmental portrait of your family. Although it may appear I am close it is because I am using a 200mm zoom lens. We also want your pets to be a part of this family portrait, however I ask you keep them with you as I love animals but do not want to pet any of them that will go back into your home.
You will receive three of my favorite images as shareable files as a thank you for participating. You will also receive a link to view all the images so you can order prints for your home. We ask that you simply make a donation to either your favorite charity or the South Windsor Food and Fuel bank. I am also looking to create a book and a gallery show about this time with everyone who participates in this project. I am looking to feature the Families, High School Seniors, and Businesses in our lovely town of South Windsor.
Stay Safe, Stay Confident, We Will Get Through This Together!
Please fill out our FrontStepsProject Questionnaire
Please fill out our Model Release